Monday, January 30, 2017

Claro que si, conoce tus derechos, pero...

I'd like to be all, "Yay!" about volunteers in Cali always handing out Red Cards (awesome folks, good hearts), but the people who gratefully accept reminders of their rights from outreach workers aren't stupid. We all know reality (which is why I'm cautiously optimistic, still, about this Trump shitshow, but I digress...): hella mess goes down ALL THE TIME on this side of the border at the hands of racist fuckers, rapists, thugs from ICE, la migra, and others... The only rule I know when it's my turn to help out is kind of scary to think about (love you, Dad, RIP... I'll be a gentleman, even if they called me LA PRECIOSA LOL...) -- it's this: if you see something, if you see some shit go down that you know is wrong: DO SOMETHING -- NAMELY, STAY ALIVE UNTIL YOU CAN GET BACK AT THE MOTHERFUCKERS WHO ARE DOING EVIL TO INNOCENT PEOPLE. Witness or victim, your objective is to survive no matter what. If you do, you will be in a position to get help and give help, and secure justice when God gets you there. Have faith, be strong. At least, I think that's the best any of us could do, right...?

(Sure, if you're a citizen, especially white, especially lacking priors or compromising stuff, and others are around, feel more confident to take a stand then and there if you're up to bat. It's kind of catch as catch can. But don't get killed out of your indignation, don't try to be a boss or a hero -- remember la cucaracha is wise and outlives evil...)

URGENT House Renovation Campaign - Gofundme...

...Or donations can be mailed to:  PO BOX 206 STONYFORD CA 95979

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