Monday, August 26, 2013

Just In Case

A. Thank you for the very kind compliment that I'm the best person you've ever encountered in these endeavors. I just hope you take my word for it and know that I know so many people who are better than I am. I, among my social circle, am one of the worst I know.  I know in the line of work those of you who chat with me pursue that you usually associate only with pieces of shit, but please take my word for it:  you should try expanding your social circle wherever possible.

B. Isn't that crazy? In public discourse I've always considered my opposition to be the cavalier, the antebellum, the lost causers. I had no idea how antagonistic Yankees would prove. Also, why are Midwesterners never factored in?

C.  Thanks for all your good intentions and kind wishes and prayers.  I feel on the balance love has won out even if in the end I am in fact busted up for higher purposes.  I'm so glad I've been the cause of so little suffering, considering, and though I probably end in agony, I hope humanity continues to be worthy of survival as it persists.

Friday, August 9, 2013

I Wonder What It Was?

That turned heads.  Probably my bizarre path to a situation that seemed to give the world exactly what it needed from me, when it usually needs things only from the wealthy and famous as individuals...  Still, this Shackleton expedition to a reality by way of a rather unexpected route will land me in a singularly informative if unenviable position, with those in nearby having available to them only cruelty directed at me as their last resort for self-preservation.  What do I do this for?  So anyone witness will realize no one ever needed to think about predestination versus free will, and so I can lose the last laugh, finding in truly painful absurdity that hysterical laughter, the utterly expected and conventional reaction, will be missing, eclipsed by completely useless fear.