Friday, June 28, 2013

I Was Once Told I Don't Know My Own Strength...

...Which is funny, because once she told me to drop and give her 20 -- I was able to accomplish 3.  Anyway, I think I'm glad that we've found someone to wield it properly and appropriately when needed for the maximum benefit of all.  Meanwhile, people who cut their teeth on kerfuffles tangential to me seem to have dropped back by on occasion for some word of input on what they're currently facing and I find I'm disappointed in myself because all I can offer are well-wishes and the use of my Helen Kelleresque warm carcass should they find a use for it.  I know you still hate me, but you do so with a smile, and I wish you the best.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

UPDATE: The Manzanita

Hey peeps.  Still riding this bitch all the way to hell.  Inshallah, the finished product, my first book of poetry, The Manzanita, should be completed no later than two weeks from now.  Yeah, I know everyone's been so patient...

Monday, June 17, 2013

Resident Evil Pipes Up

Granted, I'm lower than low.  And poor!  Don't even get me started on that...  Still, lately I've had a problem with being paraded about with multiple gunshot wounds and busted out entrails beyond my awareness.  I'm really quite shocked that onlookers continue to tolerate it.  I'm not in charge, but it seems no one wants to account for an ambulatory chitlins parade...

Thanks everyone for your forbearance and patience.  I'm glad when it usually works out in the end, but we'll see how it goes in my case...

Friday, June 7, 2013

Do I Stay Or Do I Go?

こえなし の こえ が ただしい です か? I am at a crossroads and unable to tell which way to go. Is loyalty best served by running away, or running towards? A thing might or might not happen today depending on whether I do or do not do something. Logic and dispassionate analysis of available data do not serve. I must follow a hunch. The choice boils down to cowardice versus stupid bravery...

Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Manzanita -- Book.

Hi all,

Thanks for reading.  I'm currently taking a little hiatus as I compile a chapbook.  In the process of editing, and will have it out on Amazon through by as early as the 17th!

Again, thanks and glad to have your company at The Manzanita...

William Robert Way